Selfportrait Drawing Community exhibits for a month, starting 1st July 2024 (on the photo of the catalogcover is says different) at the FANTAPIA M ART Museum, Gangneung, Republic of Korea.
Thank you Kil Hwan Chang and all at the museum and of course: all participants.
Click on the picure to enter the exhibition, the names and the entries.
(25 march 2023)
(30 september 2018)
A huge Danke schön to Regina Schmidt and Michael Gross for organising a well-visited and well furnished exhibition of SDC. All selfportraits were framed! A wonderful site to see.
A couple of photos (Carmen Heemels. Ed Hanssen)
(28 august 2018)
SDC is having a new exhibition!
This time MALORT AUSZEIT, Corneliusstrasse 56, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Date: 22 and 23 september 2018.
Regina Schmidt
Michael Gross.
Those participants whose artwork has not yet been returned after the KunstSalon Kasteel Daelenbroeck exhibition.
On the two photos below you can find the names of participants circled (Rafaela Silva is not circled, but she is participating too):
(1 june 2018)
A huge thank you to Carmen Heemels for organising a great exhibition at her
KunstSalon Kasteel Daelenbroeck!!!
(24 march 2018)
(22 february 2018)
SDC on the website of HET KWADRANT
(14 january 2018)
Great news: the third SDC exhibition is coming up!!!
Curator Carmen Heemels of KunstSalon Kasteel Daelenbroeck, Herkenbosch will furnish this exhibition.
Here is he poster:
Made by Carmen Heemels with special thanks to Erik Sok for assembling all former selfportraits.
(27 august 2017)
Here is the list of participants at the exhibition at STILL STANDING, Seinäjöki, Finland.
Start: 2 september 2017.
Thanks to Anneli dF!!
Anka Nauta Netherlands
Anna Arndt Germany
Anna van Duin Netherlands
Anneli Di Francis Finland
Arrachme Art USA
Carmen Heemels Netherlands
Désirée van Amsterdam Netherlands
Ed Hanssen Netherlands
Ella Rissa Finland
Ellen Koning Holland
Ellen van der Schaaf Netherlands
Franca Oostveen-Vernes Netherlands
Ietje Van der Vlis Netherlands
ILham Badreddine Mahfouz USA
Jacolien de Jong Netherlands
Jan Heijnen Netherlands
Marjella Offermans Netherlands
Masri Hayssam USA
Mieke van Zündert Netherlands
Mimi van Bindsbergen Netherlands
Paulo Duarte Filipe Portugal/UK
Petra Pelser-Fenijn Netherlands
Rafaela Silva Portugal
Reen Sanderse Netherlands
Sonia Cabañas Portugal
Vitor Manuel Portugal
Yoo Choong Yeul South Korea
(5 june 2015)
Building up the SDC DE SCHOOL exhibition. About 40 cooperate in this exhibition which is all about drawing.
Contributions from artists coming from South-Korea, Mexico, Belgium, Germany, Portugal, Finland, USA, Russia and the Netherlands. Asielzoekerscentrum De Vrolijkheid based in Drachten NL completes the 10th country for it represents children from different nations!
Henri Dunantplein 2 Hillegom NL is the place to be this weekend: 6 and 7 june 2015.
Open 12-17 hrs.
November/december 2016
exhibition at Cultureel Centrum De Achterolmen, Maaseik, Belgium.
22nd February 2015
First entry: Petra Pelser-Fenijn
As of 15 February 2015 it is official:
Henri Dunantplein 2
6 - 7 June 2015
Many thanks to Ré Noo.
Send your selfportraits (MAX: 3 pieces each) to Ed Hanssen (mail me) in case you lost my address. Use the Contact Requestpage if this link does not work.
Participants of DE SCHOOL HILLEGOM can deliver their selfportraits to Ré Noo.
Visit the website of DESCHOOLHILLEGOM
Place them at the Facebookcommunity. 
Remember to put on the back of your A4-drawings:
R = Return to you
S = Swap with participants.
Selfportraitdrawings will be returned or swapped, if a returnenvelope is added to the selfportrait(for Dutch participants: think about the poststamps).
Deadline delivering the drawings:
25 may 2015.
Good luck to all!
(February 14th, 2015)
Soon more inofrmation about a new exhibition: meeting at 15 february 2015.
(November 21st, 2014)
Dagblad De Limburger
Cultuur om de hoek                 
(November 12th, 2014)
Within a very short time you will read more news about 2015 exhibitions of this project. We are working on at least 3 shows!!!!!
(November 12th, 2014)
Today I was interviewed by Ron Buitenhuis, journalist for Dagblad De Limburger.
Withing 3 weeks the interview will be published.
(November 9th, 2014)
Here me talk about Selfportrait Drawing Community on WeertFM, Kunst-O-Foon 9 november 2014.
Earlier than expected........
The exhibition will be short and powerfull.
The exhibition will end simultaniously with....... THE BIG DRAW HEERLEN
18 an 19 October 2014.
Place to be:
Cultuurpodium t' Blauwe Huis
Nobelstraat 16, Heerlen.